Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Things have been crazy. I haven't had a planning period in almost 2 weeks. Not one! So I have all of these notes from parents that are starting to stack up. I e-mailed all of them, I think (I hope!). So that will have to do.
I started my college classes last week. I'm not thrilled yet. I had Modern Algebra last night - what a joke. There is no way I am going to take that class. He didn't teach at all. He talked about this homework we were supposed to do (which had NOTHING to do what the topics on the syllabus for yesterday) and he didn't explain anything. I think basically mathematicians get excited when they prove something, or solve a hard problem. And then all they want to do is make sure they tell absolutely everybody about it. Mathematicians who "teach" do the same thing but they take it a step farther - they want to show their students how hard it was, so they make them try to prove it too. :P So yeah, dropping that a.s.a.p. and hopefully picking up a psychology class.
I went to Kentucky over Labor Day weekend and I said I was going to post some pictures. The problems are 1) I'm too insanely busy to post pictures right now (I shouldn't even be blogging right now) and 2) the pictures are on my laptop and I only have high speed on my desktop at school. If I can I'll go to the library soon and upload some pictures. Kentucky was beautiful by the way. Next I want to go to Gatlinburg/Smoky Mountains, but we'll see when that happens.
Ok I have to get back to work for a while. Hope everyone is having a good week!


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