Monday, June 09, 2008

ok, ok I'm getting ready

Early in my pregnancy I signed up for a couple week-by-week e-mail calendars. So each week I get an e-mail telling me what's going on with the baby, with me and articles about things I may be concerned about at this stage or things I should/shouldn't be doing. For the past 2 weeks or so I've been getting e-mails telling me it's time to install the car seat. As far as calendars go I'm supposed to have about a month left, although the doctor will let the baby come anytime after next Friday (it's weird to be able to say it like that... next Friday). So I'm wondering why do I need to put the car seat in so soon? Why do I need to pack for the hospital now? People will laugh at me. Actually the opposite has happened. When I tell people about these e-mails and how I think it's too soon they disagree and say actually you probably should be pack already. I still think I have a while left because it's my first and because my belly doesn't look as huge as I thought it would when I reach full term. But Jason went ahead and installed the infant carrier in my car. It looks good.
I packed the diaper bag for the baby with an outfit and onesie, diapers, wipes, vaseline (want to know what the vaseline is for? When babies are born their first couple of poops are like tar. I have personally changed these types of diapers and you need a scraper to get this stuff off. Apparently if you put vaseline on their little bottom the tar won't stick so bad and will be easier to get off. Here's hoping!) baby nail clippers and a pacifier. I guess I might get little hand covers b/c apparently babies nails are super long and they scratch themselves.
Now as for my bag... um, well, hmmm. I've thought about it. I should pack it and leave it in the car because if I go to a doctor's appointment and she sends me to the hospital I can't run home to pack my bag. I live 30 min away from the doctor and 45 min away from the hospital. So adding an extra 90 minutes of drive/pack time might not be smart. Again I think I'll be late or have to be induced, but only time will tell. So maybe I'll start packing my bag today. :P Maybe. One good thing about packing early is I can add things as I go because I know I will forget stuff.
Ok well sorry for the long, boring, pointless post. Have a good week everyone!

Oh btw - some people have asked and no, we do not know if the baby is a boy or a girl. We tried to find out and they actually told us both at different points during the ultra sound. Then they said they just couldn't tell. So the little one is keeping it a surprise until d-day. Guesses are welcome!


At 2:45 PM, Blogger Jen said...

Do not worry about having enough time to get home and back to the hospital. You could probably walk home and to the hospital and still have a few hours before the baby arrives. Feel free to e mail me with any questions, my delivery is still pretty fresh in my mind.


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