Thursday, August 31, 2006

Cindy's guilt trip worked...

I'm blogging. I wish I wasn't raised Catholic because the whole guilt thing works on me and people (my mother) take advantage of that.
Anyway Last night I went home, planning to spend the evening at home and make some dinner. My dad and I were trying to connect my old laptop and my new laptop so I could transfer files and the phone rang. I was already on my cell phone so my dad answered it and all I heard was "Tonight? I don't know, here she is." and he hands me the phone. It was my mom's friend's husband (got that?) He had 2 tickets to last nights Sox game but couldn't go and wanted to know if I wanted them. Woohoo!!!! So I went to the Sox game. It must have been band night or something because there were a lot of band kids wearing t-shirts with this seasons Marching band show on them.
Today is my last day of the week. At this school we always get a 4 day weekend for Labor Day. I don't know why, but I don't care! I'm happy :) Is anyone doing anything for the long weekend? I'm going to Kentucky. I'll try and post pictures next week - if I remember to take pictures. I've never been to this place but my friends have been telling me about it for years. I'm excited.
Ok well the kids are on their way in so I should go. I'll try and post tomorrow or later today. It might be an interesting day: I forgot my school keys and we're having pizza for lunch. You're probably wondering why that would be interesting. Well, I'm lactose intolerant and I don't have any lactaid, and we're having pizza for lunch. It will be a fun afternoon for me! (=

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

It's hot!

Either the thermostat in my classroom is broken or it's over 95 degrees in my room. It's soooo hot! The room next door to me is 90 degrees, and mine is hotter.
Today the power went out for a while. It wasn't completely out, more of a brown out. Well, a brown out that is about one second away from being completely out. That was fun, let me tell you.
Teaching is going well. I'm so much more organized this year - so far. I have a better system for when the students need to go to the bathroom: they have to sign out in a notebook and then put a stuffed Mickey Mouse or Minnie Mouse on their desk so I know who's gone and they know if it's their turn. Most of the kids are doing a good job taking notes and paying attention. I also have a better system for papers and notes that need to go to me or to the office. I'm using Harry Wong's suggestions about procedures for the classroom and repeating them over as much as I can/need to and the kids are adapting very well. Hopefully this continues throughout the school year. wishful thinking maybe?
I hope everyone that started today had a good first day. Have a great year. I hope your classrooms are cooler than mine.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


I just wanted to say that I love teaching :)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Oh my God, Sarah's blogging??

Yep. Here I am. Since I'm getting back into the swing of things at school, I figured I should get into blogging again.
So I survived the first day of school. My schedule is pretty much the same everyday, like high school, except that for jr. high I have a homeroom that I teach art to and keep for study hall at the end of the day (only 2 days a week). Here's my schedule:

Homeroom (7:40-8:10)
1st - 8th Algebra
2nd - 8th average math
3rd - 8th average math
4th - 7th average math
5th - 7th average math
6th - 7th high math
7th - Varies - teach art or supervise study hall/give math help

Does anyone notice what's missing? Teachers? A prep period! Look at Cindy's schedule. See those first 2 classes where it says "free"? That's what I'm missing. I get 2 per week. And the first 2 weeks of school I only get 1 per week. Yikes! So I'm going to be busy, and exhausted!
But anyway I'm really happy to have my own classroom again. I'm so excited to teach the Algebra class - already much higher thinkers than last semester's algebra class. I think I'll be able to do a lot with them.
This year I also have to take 4 classes, 2 per semester. I have to do this to get my math and science endorsements for IL since they didn't transfer. This semester I'm taking Modern Algebra - 'gag' - and a class on how to teach middle school math. Hmmmm This is my 5th year teaching middle school math. Does anyone else find this ironic?
Well that's it for now. I hope all the other teachers are having a good start to the new year.