Saturday, January 12, 2008

Happy New Year!

I know I'm 12 days late but I've been busy. Plus I wasn't sure if anyone was reading this so I thought, why post? But I did get one comment on my last post (thanks Julie!) so I thought I'd post again.
Hmmm let's see... what's new. I saw National Treasure last night. It was decent. I like the 1st one so I thought this one would be good too. In my opinion (and my aunt's) we think there's definitely going to be a 3rd one. They all but said it in the movie.
The was the 1st week back to school after vacation. It was a full week in every sense of the word. I'm so glad it's the weekend and I wish weekends were longer.
I got my hair cut this week. 11 inches off! It's still long b/c before I cut it it was ridiculously long. It was boring though. Plus I would get headaches b/c it was so heavy. And I can't tell you how many times I would try to lift my head to turn over in the middle of the night only to have it yanked back down b/c my arm or Jay's arm was on my hair. ouch :( Of course when the hairstylist did my hair it looked awesome. It was exactly what I wanted. But when I tried to mimic what she did it looked awful :P I guess it serves me right for trying to be stylish. I need to learn that I'm just a plain Jane.
Ok well that's it for now. Have a good weekend!


At 4:20 PM, Blogger Mrs. Smith said...

I'm reading Sarah! Also, I have the same problem. When my stylist does my hair it always looks awesome, but when I do it, I just cannot even come close. Maybe if I had a couple of extra hands or something. Too bad I can't afford to have her do my hair every day! Happy New Year and you should definitely keep posting!


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